Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Movie of My Life

Another good idea from Steve! Harry and I have been racking our brains on this one, mostly who would play us.
Once upon a time, I would have said Janeane Garofalo would be the perfect pick for me. Now she's gone all blonde and become a gym fanatic.
So not me.
My other choices now that I'm a little older would be Ashley Judd, Diane Lane, or Lauren Graham because I think they could pull off my personality.
Harry immediately said Jim Belushi for himself just because he's a big fan, but I was thinking Scott Patterson from Gilmore Girls, mostly because he's got that 80s thing going.
As for the plot, it would have to have a little background about our childhoods because both of us have been greatly influenced by what went on in our earlier years. It would also have to have us as teenagers just to see how screwed up the both of us were in vastly different ways. Our early 20s would also need to be delved into because both of us did some things we now look back on and hang our heads in shame. There would have to be a segment devoted to our first "date", complete with us getting drunk, singing karaoke, and falling into bed later that evening. How very romantic. The rest would bring us through our relationship, starting with our bedroom escapades on the weekends, and our budding friendship on the weekdays. It would progress through both of us losing our jobs within 2 months of each other, moving in together, getting engaged, selling a house while planning a wedding (I highly suggest NOT doing this), trying to conceive a child, and finally resigning ourselves to the fact that we weren't going to be able to have children. Then, of course, we immediately fall pregnant after this realization.
It would be heartbreaking, heartwarming, and funny as hell.

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