3 Things That Scare Me
The vacuum (not so much anymore though; I'm a big girl now)
Not much else
3 People That Make Me Laugh
Kaylee, my cousin
3 Things I Love
My kitchen
3 Things I Hate
Keeping my voice down
Staying still on my changing table
Having to get those stupid eye drops when I had pink eye
3 Things I Don't Understand
Why I can't put everything in my mouth
Why Mama doesn't like it when I whine; I think it sounds pretty!
Why it's not okay to rub my food in my hair
3 Things on My Floor
My Lambchop puppet
My Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Book
A measuring cup from my kitchen
3 Things I'm doing Right Now
3 Things I Want to Do Before I Die
Become a concert violinist
Then become a rock star
Oh, and finally get my hands on that new toy Mama's got. She calls it a "laptop". It looks like fun!
3 Things I Can Do
I can sing a little of Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday, The Alphabet Song, The Bottlecap Song, and Froggie Went a'Courtin'
Eat with a fork and spoon (although I'm still a little messy)
Say I Love You, hi, bye (although I say it like a southern belle for some reason), socks, bear, shake your booty, baby, Mama or MomMom, Daddy, Teri, Stacy, sit, yeah, no, uh-oh, whoa!, and shhhh!
3 Ways to Describe My Personality
Ball of Energy
3 Things I Cannot Do
Get dressed by myself (but I help Mama a lot)
Say Ellie (I try, though)
Run (I haven't really tried that yet)
3 Things I Think You Should Listen To
Anything by Laurie Berkner; I love her songs
Mama; she's a smart lady
Classical Music; it's so pretty and it calms me down
3 Things I Think You Should Never Listen To
Grandpa; he's full of it (not sure what "it" is, though)
Auntie Misse upstairs. She swears a lot. And yells a lot.
Franklin; he whines a lot. And he always gives up too easy. And he doesn't listen to his parents. And he's sometimes bossy and mean to his friends.
3 Absolute Favorite Foods
3 Things I'd like to Learn
How to play an instrument
How to use a potty
How to read and write like a big kid
3 Beverages I Drink Regularly
Watered-down juice
Milkshakes (Teri makes the best milkshakes ever!)
3 Shows I Watch
Sesame Street
Curious George
Jack's Big Music Show