Friday, August 26, 2005

Who DOESN'T like to be hit on?

Shenry just reminded me of something that happened years ago that's still a boost to my ego to this very day.

I believe it was Kev, Mike, Tom, and me at Bennigan's probably 4 or 5 years ago, before I met Harry. We had met there after I had gotten out of work, as usual, to have a few drinks and some stimulating conversation. We were probably on our 3rd beer of the evening when the guys noticed a very attractive young woman sitting across the bar. She looked to be around our age, and she was with 2 or 3 other girls having a few drinks, just like us.

The guys couldn't get over how fine this female was. I was used to hearing them talk, and occasionally, I would even get involved in the conversation. This was one of those times.

Both Kevin and Mike claimed she had been looking at them. I told them they were crazy; a chick like that would have no use for either of them (heh heh). A few minutes later, though, it became apparent that that she was, indeed, staring in their general direction, although I couldn't tell which one of them she was staring at.

A few minutes passed by, and she just kept sneaking glances. I couldn't believe it; she actually WAS interested in one of them. Kev and Mike were ready to start placing bets on who it was when she made her move. At first I thought she was making her way over to the ladies room, but no, she was headed right for us.

I held my breath, shivering with anticipation as to which one she would choose. She approached us slowly, a cigarette, not yet lit, hanging between her lips. And then she spoke...

"Can I have a light?"

And she was asking ME. Yeah, ME. The guys jaws dropped.

I smiled and lit her cigarette for her. She smiled and said thanks.

And I dropped the ball and started laughing. Not at her but at the guys.

She held my gaze for a second (while I tried to get my laughter under control), tilted her head a little, smiled again, and then walked back over to her friends.

And the guys still had their mouths hanging wide open.


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