I haven't been in the writing mood lately; forgive me. I wanted to write about why I chose the songs I did for my new mix when I was posting yesterday, but I was just feeling all-out-lazy and just wanted to watch ER. Today, I'm feeling a little more verbose, so I shall set to accomplishing my task.
K.K. - Without You - Motley Crue - Kristine was my first best friend. We met in kindergarten. One of our favorite things to do growing up was to hang out in her play room and listen to records and later on, tapes. Kris was a HUGE Motley Crue fan (as was I), and this song always reminds me of her.
A.T. - Stand - REM - I also met Andriana in kindergarten. We only lived about 5 or 6 houses away from each other. We could even talk to one another through our bedroom windows since she lived on the side street near my house. Andie loved songs you could dance to, and she loved songs that actually had a dance to them even more. I remember her doing the STAND dance in her basement den.
H.A. - My Sharona - The Knack - I met Heather in fourth grade. We became fast friends when we found out we shared the exact same birthday. We were, in fact, only born minutes away from each other, both in Bridgeport but in different hospitals. In high school, Heather and I went to go see Reality Bites, and we would re-enact that scene in the gas station where Lanie and Vicki and Sammie are dancing to this song over and over again.
J.P. - Heavenly - Harry Connick Jr. - I met Jess in fifth grade. I believe she was already a Harry Connick Jr. fan at the age of 10, and she introduced me to his music as we hung out more. I love this song, and I always think of her when I hear it. "The man in the moon is smilin' cuz he's in love with the girl in the world..."
L.C. - Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi - Lea STILL loves Bon Jovi and breaks out her old t-shirts for when she goes to the concerts. Any Bon Jovi song reminds me of her, but I especially like this one.
S.D. - High Enough - Damn Yankees - Scott was my first major crush and ultimately, my first love. This was "our song" which he made sure he put on the two mixed tapes he made me in eighth grade. Those tapes are lurking somewhere in my mom's house to this day. When he started working at my office a couple of years ago, we talked about those damn tapes. He actually still remembered the music he put on them.
M.M. - More Than Words - Extreme - This song is one of my guilty pleasures, and it will forever remind me and probably most of the girls that went to Flood Junior High of Mike because he and Jav played and sang it at the talent show.
A.Z. - Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Poison - Andy used to play and sing this song all the time. And then we danced to it at the eighth grade banquet. The Zy... I wonder where he is now.
B.D. - Precious Things - Tori Amos - I started listening to Tori in eighth grade, and this song just stuck with me. It's all about Billy..."Running after Billy, running after the rain..."
C.S. - Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms - One day while visiting Sanetti at the beach, this song came on, and it's reminded me of him ever since. I think it had more to do with my feelings about his relationship with his girlfriend than anything else.
C.G. - Whale and Wasp - Alice in Chains - This entire album, Jar of Flies reminds me of Guthrie. I think it just establishes the time period of our friendship.
C.C. - Footsteps - Pearl Jam - When Chris and I started hanging out, he had just started moving away from R&B and more into Seattle Grunge. When he found Pearl Jam, it was like finding the love of his life. I remember him singing this song all the time when we first started dating.
K.C. - Seether - Veruca Salt - With Chris came his sister, Kim, who now, after all these years, is one of my closest gal pals. When I first met her, Chris had her do the "Seether Dance". This will always be Kim's song.
R.C. - Blister in the Sun - The Violent Femmes - This was Rob's favorite song in high school. We would sit around, smoking, and singing this song.
K.S. - Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down - Any Bruce Springsteen song reminds me of Kevin, but I'm not a big fan of The Boss. Instead, because Kev's such a huge fan of Superman (as am I), I picked this song. I was surprised when he adopted a new dog that he didn't name it Krypto. As long as he doesn't pull a Nicholas Cage and name his soon-to-be-born child, Kal-el, all will be well in the world. And Nick, please don't name your next kid J'onn J'onzz after The Martian Manhunter; most of us can't even pronounce that.
T.R. - Ants Marching - DMB - Tom loved this song and played it all the time.
M.D. - Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw? - Jimmy Buffett - Because that's what we did after this song came on the juke box one night at the bar.
D.K. - Professional Widow - Tori Amos - Dawn was big into the raves when I met her working at the kiosk. When she found out I was a Tori fan, she told me she loved the remix of this song. When Tori put it out on a Greatest Hits type of record, I fell in love with it, too.
H.B. - No Ordinary Love - Sade - "There's nothing like you and I, Baby. This is no ordinary love, no ordinary love." Need I say more? Oh, how I love my husband.
A.B. - Glory Box - Portishead - Yes, I even picked a song that reminds me of me. "I'm so tired of playin'/ Playin' with this bow and arrow/ Gonna give my heart away/ Leave it to the other girls to play/ For I've been a temptress too long/ Just give me a reason to love you/ Give me a reason to be a woman/ I just wanna be a woman."