Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Maybe I should rename this blog as "How Becoming a Tattooed Mommy Leads me to Post Only Once a Week"

It seems like nothing much really happens during the week anymore, so I'm constantly writing about our weekends. Where we went, what we did, our moods, etc. We're just so scheduled nowadays, that I've become a weekender. Eh, it was bound to happen.

Teri had mentioned to Harry on Thursday that Ellie had been "off" most of the day, hitting some of the kids (fantastic!), crying for no apparent reason, and not taking a nap. When she got home, she was cranky for sure. At first I chalked it up to the no nap thing, but then I noticed her nose was runny. Great. Another freakin' cold.

Sure enough, I asked Teri the next day, and she said both David and Erica had the sniffles this week. Ellie, on the other hand, seemed to be doing OK, so she went to daycare as usual. At the end of the day, Teri reported that Ellie wasn't 100% her normal, lovable self, but the day was nothing like Thursday. And her nose was no longer running. Wow, those were some quick sniffles.

Saturday morning was our usual time together while Harry went to work. I love our Saturday mornings. We don't really do anything special, but it's just me and my girl. I love that.

She seemed totally fine all morning. We shopped, we played outside, we watched a little TV, the norm. She ate lunch, Harry came home, and a little while later, she took her nap. When she woke up, she was cranky. Very cranky. Honestly, bedtime couldn't come soon enough.

On Sunday, we had playdate at usual. Sundays are my day to "sleep in" (read wake up at 8am instead of 7:30am). When I got up at 8, Harry still hadn't changed her diaper, dressed her, fed her, etc. Um, OK. I was a little annoyed to say the least. Diaper changes and dressing are the bain of my existence these days because Ellie usually fights them. She kicks, she screams, she cries. Morning diaper changing and dressing fall on me 6 days out of the week; I'd really like a break on Sunday.

By 8:15, I gently reminded Harry he still hadn't changed her diaper. Ellie started screaming bloody murder while he tried to pick her up, so I intervened, getting her jammies off for him. At least she didn't kick me.

By 10am, she still hadn't been dressed. No comment. I picked some clothes out for her and started to dress her myself. Of course, she started kicking the ever-living shit out of me. Harry swooped in trying to help, but, well, his hands were in the way. I can't get her pants on with his hands holding her legs, ya know? So I just flipped. Not on him, not on her, just in general, screaming, "I get kicked every day! I'm tired of it!"

And then I put myself in time out.

I HATE yelling. I hate myself for yelling. I quickly took myself out of the equation, went downstairs for a few, and calmed down.

A little while later, Kim, Delio, and Niko showed up for playdate. I vented a little to Kim, which actually did me some good. It's good to talk to someone who knows exactly how you're feeling.

A little while later, Harry's friends, Luke and Laura (yes, really, Luke and Laura for all you GH fans out there), came by for lunch. We had a really nice visit, and it was a lot of fun to host our little lunch party. I hope we get to do it again soon.

Ellie was awesome while company was there, but she woke up from her nap grouchy again. All I kept thinking was, "The Three's can't be worse than the Two's. They CAN'T. I won't be able to make it through them." Yes, a bit melodramatic, but it's really how I felt by the end of the day.

Monday morning was MUCH better. She woke up in a great mood. I, on the other hand, woke up with a slight sore throat. Great. Now I'm sick.

As the day progressed, I was feeling pretty crappy. My equillibrium felt off, making my ears feel funny. My throat was still just a little itchy. My head was just a little stuffed.

So this is what Ellie had been feeling this weekend. I had no idea.

She seemed fine in every other way. Her nose wasn't runny at all. No sneezing either. I didn't realize she was sick. No wonder she was so cranky.

Teri reported at the end of Monday that Ellie was completely fine. Yes! She was in an awesome mood last night when I got home from work, and she woke up in that same mood this morning. So her cold, which I didn't even know she had, has run its course.

My cold, on the other hand, is kicking my butt. It's not bad, just highly annoying. Everything is just a little bit irritated. Ugh. I wish I had known that Ellie felt like this this past weekend; I could have sympathized, made her rest a little more, made her some hot cocoa, etc.

I can't wait until she finally starts voicing when something hurts. Poor thing.

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