Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My most photo-heavy post evah!

More pictures, less words!

Let's start with our vacation to Ocean City. Harry took all of these. Not too shabby!

Next, our gardens! Harry, Ellie, and I are all very proud of how well the yard turned out this year. We've been out there every weekend, which was our goal, and we're enjoying it. We're growing tons of stuff, both flora and fauna AND fruits and veggies. It's very exciting.

The pretty planter Harry got for me filled with pansies and red geraniums.

Random wildflowers.




Rose on my new rose hedge. So pretty.

The first anemone poppy to come up!

A hardy geranium. 

Red creeping thyme. Just starting to take.

One of many sunflowers.

Another sunflower. These suckers are gonna be huge!

More rose hedges.

The flower garden bed Harry built. I can't wait until it's all filled in.


The veggie garden.


Red bell pepper.


More peas!


Strawberry patch.

Another shot of the strawberry patch.

Our ginormous butterfly bush. This photo doesn't do it justice. It's nearly 10 feet tall.

Newest flower bed. Hostas and periwinkle.

Pretty periwinkle.

Beautiful, vibrant hosta.

My blue hydrangea is just about ready to explode with blooms! This was a transplant from our old house. It was my first mother's day gift after Ellie was born and is my favorite bloom.

Pansies and marigolds at the front of the house.

Our incredibly large mum plant. This was a housewarming present from Lea. It's insane!

Yellow pansies and pink geraniums (Ellie chose the color scheme, and it's really pretty (the geraniums are getting ready to bloom again - can't wait!)


And my gnome friends. I love them.

And last, but not least, some shots of me getting my craft on this evening. I baked oatmeal carmelitas for a charity fundraiser tomorrow at the office and chocolate chip cookies for Ellie's school picnic happening tomorrow afternoon. I also made my first ever felt flower hair pin, and it came out fantastic! Ellie will be rocking it tomorrow. I plan to make a lot more. They super easy and fun! And I think it cost me about $0.05 in materials. 

Me being a dork as usual. Admit it, I'm cute. 

Mmmm. Oatmeal carmelita goodness.

My little helper. She was really into it.

My kid is so much like me. She's a dork too.

Ellie did a lot of pouring.

And dumping.

And mixing.

Here they are in the oven. I love these damn things. Thank Goodness they'll be out of the house by tomorrow morning.

Next up, mini chocolate chip cookies.

A gorgeous shot of my girl. Those eyes, those eyes!

They're so tiny! I think there were 36 cookies on this sheet at once.

And they look so yummy.

So very yummy. A veritable sea of yum.

My first flower!

It's so cute! 

Oh, I almost forgot! I finished my half-sleeve last week! And I totally did not post a picture. I am lame. 
Here it is!

Yes, I'm wearing a towel. You like? The tattoo, not the towel. 

That's all folks!

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