Friday, September 16, 2005

"When you dream, what do you dream about?"

From School of Metaphysics: Your dreams tell you about your present state of awareness; this is why we dream. Dreams come from an inner place we call the subconscious mind and are presented to you in images which, when interpreted in the Universal Language of Mind, become personally relevant to you and your life. The meaning of these nighttime messages can literally change your life.
When studying dreams and learning to interpret them, you need to know the two universal principles which apply to everyone, everywhere, at all times. The first of these principles is that every dream is about the dreamer. The second principle is that every person, place and thing in the dream is the dreamer. We as human beings are very multi-faceted. A great majority of us are only aware of a small part of who we are. You can learn to expand your awareness of yourself by learning to interpret your dreams.

From a post By Michael Sheridan: Dreams come from your soul and are intended to help you progress along your life path. In sleep the focus of the physical world and the body is on hold and during this period your soul has a perfect opportunity to dialogue with your conscious mind... or so it would appear. The problem here is that the subconscious never sleeps. Think of the subconscious like a faithful dog always on guard to protect its master. Your soul asks the conscious mind to make a change to some aspect of functioning in order to avoid a particular undesirable outcome. Let's take a very common example. Say your soul wants you to be less analytical / rational in your approach to life and to incorporate intuition / feelings into the decision making process. It dispatches a dream for this purpose. Ideally the dream is received and your conscious mind accepts the direction of your soul and begins a program to change in this direction. The more likely outcome, however, is that your subconscious mind asserts itself in the dream and provides all sorts of reasons why this change should be avoided. Due to this, the message / request in the dream is effectively spoiled.

I've always tried to read into my dreams. I think they're important. I think they are a part of me, not necessarily an important part, but a part nonetheless.

I've had significant dreams, ones that were premonitions to something that would soon occur. I've been able to separate these dreams from the everyday static my mind creates while I sleep.

Then there are the absurd dreams, ones where people I know are doing strange and bizarre things, like riding down the road on a big cantaloupe or telling me I can't go to work because the Pope is calling. These are my favorite kind of dreams to have, mostly because even though there is a lot of activity going on in them, I always wake up feeling very refreshed and happy. These dreams make me smile. My creative side obviously takes over on the evenings I have these dreams, and I think she likes to flex those muscles once in a while.

There are also the scary dreams, my B-Horror-Movie dreams. These dreams usually take place in a familiar setting, and the cast is made up of people I know. I am always the main character, but I never look like me. We're always being chased by someone or something, it is always dark, and we are constantly afraid. I wake up exhausted after one of these dreams, like I've just run 10 miles. My heart beats frantically, and there are times when I've woken up crying. I've gotten hurt a few times in these dreams, and the pain seems real while I'm asleep, although it quickly dissipates upon waking. I don't have these too often, but Harry knows when I've had one. I usually jerk awake, wide-eyed and terrified. It takes me a minute to realize not only WHERE I am but WHO I am. I've had these dreams all my life, and I attribute them to the fact that I am still afraid of the dark at 28.

I also have a few reoccuring dreams, which also happen to be B-Horror-Movie dreams. I had most of these dreams growing up, although one of them still creeps into my head from time to time now. There was the octopus dream and the 3rd floor fire dream I had while growing up that I haven't had in years now, and then there is the clown/troll/gremlin-type thing that chases me through my grandparents' house dream I'm still, unfortunately, afflicted with.

And lastly, I have what I call the left-field dreams. These are dreams about people or places from my past. They're usually very emotional, and I've never been able to find a reason for having them when they occur. I wake up confused and drained. And sometimes I wake up feeling guilty.

Does everyone dream about people they were once intimate with? I'm curious to know. Do these people come back into your lives through your dreams like he does mine? I feel like my mind is being invaded. The dream even seems to linger after I wake up.

I want to know why he's still here, in my head. I want to know why he won't go away. It's almost like being haunted, yes, it's exactly like being haunted... haunted by the ghost of the person you once knew. Both of us are ghosts, merely apparitions of the people we used to be, in these dreams.

I wouldn't mind a little Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind action right about now. I need to mentally kick his ass out; he's worn out his welcome.

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