Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Another Interview!

Courtesy of my gal, Homeslice.

1. Being a working mommy can be challenging. What do you do during the hours you are away from your family? Was it a conscious choice to work?

I am a historical researcher at an environmental data company. Say that five times fast. I study fire insurance maps depicting properties, what they’re made of, what they’re used for, etc. from the years 1867-1996 all over the U.S. It’s a pretty interesting job. I’ve been with the company for 5.5 years now. I was promoted to assistant team leader for my group about 2 years ago.

I was planning on being a SAHM. I really was. 6 weeks into my maternity leave changed all that. We just didn’t have enough money. And, I’ll admit, I wasn’t very good at BEING a SAHM. It’s still difficult to say that, but it’s true. And to be even more honest, she’s much better off in daycare. She absolutely loves it… Teri (her provider), the other kids, the toys, the swings outside, the trips to the library, I could go on and on… she thrives on it. I’m amazed at how much she has already learned just by being in that environment.

Another plus is that she may never have another sibling, so this group of lovely children are a great alternative. We’re still not sure if we’re going to try for child #2. Part of it is “are we capable of raising a second child?”; part of it is “do we want to go through the let downs of trying to conceive and failing month after month all over again?” I don’t know if I can go a second round of that.

2. What has changed in you the most since becoming a mother?

I can now think on a child’s level. Even AS a child, I had a hard time doing this. I was the oldest little girl in the world. I loved being with adults. Sure, I played with my friends… Barbies, let’s pretend, tag, etc… like any other kid, but I felt most comfortable at the grown-up table.

Ellie has brought the kid out in me. I love to build stuff with her. I love to growl with her. I love to get down on the floor and play paddy cake for hours on end. I never knew being a kid could be so much fun.

3. List your favorite thing about yourself and the thing you least like about yourself.

I love that I can care so much about people. Sure, there are those who irk me to no end, but I pretty much care for everyone I come into contact with to some degree. I care about their well-being, their feelings, and their ideas. I care for them simply because we’re all people, so we SHOULD care, ya know?

I least like the fact that my feelings get hurt so easily. I dislike the fact that it matters what people think of me. I wish I could just let it go. I wish the tears didn’t come so easily. I wish I had a thicker skin.

4. How did you meet your husband? What’s your relationship like today?

I met my husband through my ex-sister-in-law. HA! I knew that first marriage was good for SOMETHING! (I also got an amazingly good friend out of it, too, in the form of said ex-SIL. Kim rocks:) We actually went to high school together, but we didn’t know each other then. Small world and all that.

Harry and I are best friends, lovers, parents, fellow couch potatoes, shopoholics, and all-around partners-in-crime. There’s no one I’d rather spend a night with, vegging on the sofa in grubby PJs, watching bad 80s flix. Awwwww.


Now it’s your turn. If you want to be interviewed, leave me a comment including the words “Interview me.” I will respond by emailing you some questions. I get to pick the questions. You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them questions.

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