Monday, August 11, 2008

Me? A Kick Ass Blogger? Awww, Shucks

My dear friend, Kristin, over at What's Up With The Joneses, nominated me for a Kick Ass Blogger award. How freakin' sweet!

There are rules that come with the award, and they are as follows:

- Choose 5 other bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
- Let them know that they have received an award
- Link back to both the person who awarded you and also Mamma Dawg, where the awards originated
- Visit the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ , to get codes click here and it will take you to KABC HQ, sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!

So my 5 are as follows:

1. Kristin - That's right; I'm choosing the person who chose me. Why? Because I look forward to reading about the Joneses everyday. And I love Kristin to pieces. And her Buddha Boy is just too cute.

2. Cathy - I love reading Cathy's stuff, whether it's about the crazy 3 year waiting lists at the preschools in her area, the newest knitting project she's doing, or the 5 books she's reading at the same time. Oh, and her husband, Mark, writes some pretty good entries, too.

3. Mr. Neil Gaiman - I am a huge fan, and I love reading about what's going on in his life, in his work, about his travels, etc. He's just so very interesting (and he makes me laugh).

4. Jae - She leads an interesting life, she's so freakin' cool it kills me, and she takes unbelievable photographs. Jae is awesome.

5. Cristina - She was born to write. And I love her ass.

I have a couple of honorable mentions, as well. I've been blogging for over 4 years now, and there are two blogging friends I have to talk about. One is Stephen who used to write The Book of Shenry. I was crushed the day I saw the beautiful flower in place of The Book. I miss you, Shenry. The other is my friend, R, at Drink More Jack. He hasn't blogged in ages, but I'm hoping he'll come around once again to entertain us with his fabulous stories and observations.

And lastly, my friend, John, formerly known as The Phantom Poster (or TPP) back in the day when this blog was called My Two Bits. I know this is a Kick Ass Blogger award, but technically John was also a blogger for a time so there:)~ John, you rock.

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