Thursday, October 29, 2009


We've got a big weekend coming up. Tomorrow is Ellie's Halloween party at daycare. She's extremely excited to don her Uniqua costume and get candy. She's especially excited about the candy. Everything has been about the candy she's going to get on Halloween. Every subject comes back to the fact that she's going to get candy on Halloween. Candy, candy, candy! I think she may have a problem.

Saturday is the big day (or night), and we all plan on getting dressed up and going trick or treating in our 'hood. A couple of weeks ago, I went as a goth chick for a party, but it might be a bit too cold with opaque sleeves and a dress for a jaunt around our circle. I'm thinking of going as a cowgirl instead. That should be a little warmer.

Ellie's ready and rarin' to go with her new trick or treat bag. She's been toting it around the house, telling me continually we need to go to the store so she can buy some candy to fill it. She's a little O/C about the candy if you haven't noticed.

Sunday is an even bigger day (possibly the biggest of 2009) because it's the day my little girl turns 3 years old. Um, holy crap! I'm about to have a 3-year-old. I'm surprised that I'm a little sad she's growing up so fast because it wasn't long ago when I was saying, "I can't wait until she's old enough to..." Now she's this freakin' cool, awesome chick I want to spend all my time with. Last week she told me I'm her best friend. Can you say, "Mommy is a big puddle of goo" after that one? You're my best friend, too, Kiddo.

We're having a dance party this year... Ellie's idea. She decided after she saw a Backyardigans episode (like a million times) where they have one for Austin's birthday. She thinks it's the coolest thing.

Unusual for me, I still haven't made the damn mix yet. Usually, I'm all over a music mix, but I just haven't had the time. I've got a track list ready to go, so I'm hoping it'll only take an hour or so to make it. A copy of the mix is going to be included in the goody bags for the kids, so I need to get my ass in gear. I decided that it'll be both kids music mixed with adult music, too. A little fun for everyone to listen to, ya know? Ellie's a big fan of Queen, David Bowie, and Guns 'n Roses, just to name a few, so they definitely make it on there. I may be rocking to the CD in the car for the next year. It'll finally replace that Laurie Berkner CD we've been listening to the past 2 years.

We've got the fam coming: my mom, dad, sisters, nieces, Harry's mom, etc, and we've also got a few of Ellie's friends from daycare making an appearance this year, as well as Teri, her daycare provider. Round it off with Kim and my Godson, Niko, and we've got a full house! I hope we can fit everyone. I'm only a little worried about that. We always make do.

We also have to change the clocks between Halloween and Ellie's birthday, so that should be interesting, too. I made sure to write it on all the invites, so hopefully no one shows up an hour early with me unshowered and scrubbing the toilet. Wouldn't THAT be a nice surprise?

On Monday, Ellie will have yet another party at daycare. Good Lord, the amount of sugar this kid is going to consume this weekend is immense. I'm a bit frightened. Not to mention I can't say no to cake, so I'll be consuming some myself. And pizza. And maybe a piece of candy. Or two. Or twelve.

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