Friday, January 15, 2010

How it goes

Harry and I are deep into week 1 of our new reading together thing, and I must say, it's going remarkably well. Harry actually told me night before last how much he's enjoying it, both doing something together and the actual reading. How cool is that?

He decided on a graphic novel to get into the spirit of things, and that was an excellent choice for him. He had told me that he'd liked reading comic books as a kid, and picking material you'll actually enjoy is the right way to go when you're rusty and/or looking to improve on your skills. He went through my collection and picked Batman: Year One for this week's reading, and he likes the story a lot.

I'm reading a collection of science fiction/fantasy short stories right now. I love collections. It's a great way to be introduced to new authors. I've found 3 that I want to explore a little more already: Harlan Ellison (dude, this guy can WRITE), Roger Zelazny, and James Tiptree (a pseudonym of Alice Bradley Sheldon). I also finally read Flowers for Algernon (short story), and it had a huge impact on me. I highly suggest reading it. If anything, it's made me question the superpower I've always wanted (heightened intelligence with vast stores of knowledge) - heh heh. Seriously though, the story made me cry. Ooh, look, I found a free copy online if you're intested: Flowers for Algernon

I've been working hard at the 30-day shred and continuing on Weight Watchers, but I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed this week. I was very, very close to hitting my 50-lbs lost goal, and I thought I was going to reach it this week. Instead, I GAINED a pound. I'm trying to not let it get me down, but it's discouraging. Yes, I know muscle is denser than fat, but after just a few days? Ugh. To make matters worse, the workout makes me feel terrible after. There is no post-workout euphoria. I'm not used to that. Usually after 2 miles on the elliptical or a nice 3 mile walk outside, I feel fantastic and have a lot of energy throughout the rest of my day. This workout leaves me fatigued, drained, and foggy-headed the whole day long. That's not good. I'm eating and drinking plenty of water, so it's not that. I'm not sure what it is. Someone suggested that maybe this workout just isn't for me. Maybe they're right.

It's already 34* outside and it's supposed to climb up to 41* (HEAT WAVE), so I think I'll go for a walk on break today. I'm hoping that'll boost my energy. I decided to do the workout this evening instead of the early morn, and I gotta admit, I feel pretty good today after having NOT done it. Eh.

And last, Harry and I have a date with some Thai food tomorrow night. My mom is babysitting, and we might even go with another couple to nosh on some delicious pad thai. Exciting!

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