Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The five most character-defining things that have happened to me in my life meme

Courtesy of Uppercase Woman:

1. My paternal grandparents helping to raise my sister and me. Both of my parents worked full-time, so my Nana and Pop took care of my sister and me most of the time. When we started school, we went to their house after, as well. We saw them pretty much every day from the time we were toddlers until I was 12 years old. They were extremely loving and caring and made every day fun. We helped plant their garden and sell tomatoes on the side of the road. My grandmother taught me how to bake. My grandfather taught me how to use tools, to fix, to build. They've both passed on now, and I miss them fiercely.

2. My parents' divorce. This taught me that parents lie, and you can hurt the ones you love the most. This showed me that love is very, very close to hate. This revealed that people will go to extreme lengths to hurt someone who's hurt them.

3. My first marriage. This taught me that I can be dead wrong about pretty much anything.

4. Marrying Harry. This taught me that I can also be right about pretty much anything.

5. Having Ellie. This showed me how much I wanted a child after all. It also showed me that my fears of being a crap mom were unwarranted. I kick ass at this. Heh heh.

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