Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"I didn't want you to worry; I was hit by a tractor trailer"

This is what he led off with this morning when he called me at 7:15am.

I saw Harry's number pop up on the caller ID 15 minutes after he was already supposed to be at work, so I knew something was up. I didn't even answer with "Hello?" I immediately asked, "Is everything OK?"

Instead of saying something like "I was stuck in traffic, and someone accidentally rolled back into me. I'm fine, and there's minimal damage to the car," he sucker-punched me with the tractor trailer line.

The images that came screeching across my mind were horrific. Of course, they only lasted a few seconds until reason and logic kicked in. He was, after all, calling me on his cell phone, and he sounded completely calm. It couldn't be that bad.

Once I got him to tell me he was OK, he told me the whole story. There had been an accident on I-95N, and he had been stuck in sluggish traffic for 1/2 an hour. At one point, he ended up behind the infamous tractor trailer. Harry noticed that it was slowly rolling back and thought the guy would realize he was doing it. When the truck started getting dangerously close, Harry started honking his horn like a madman. Unfortunately, the guy didn't hear it and didn't realize he was rolling until he actually made contact with Harry's bumper.

The guy immediately claimed fault, they called the cops, and that was pretty much the end of it. Harry already took it to the body shop, and it's about $400 damage, mainly because the bumper can't be painted so we need a new one. Harry also already called our insurance company to let them know it happened and to give a detailed account (Thank God I remembered you're supposed to call them). Since the guy claimed fault, I'm hoping we won't have any problems with his insurance company.

So that's the news for today... my husband got into a small accident, and he nearly gave me a heart attack when telling me about it.

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