Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yay, it's finally happened! Ellie has started calling me Mommy. I cannot believe how much this excites me, but it does. She sounds so sweet saying it. She LOVES saying it. I haven't gotten sick of it (yet).

And it's all because of a commercial.

Ellie's new favorite show is The Care Bears (she calls them Boo Bears - so stinkin' cute). This is the one show she'll watch with commercials in between. Why? Because all the commercials are geared towards kids. There's only 2 or 3 at a time, and they're for the same things over and over again. There's the standard baby doll commercial, which, naturally, makes every child covet whatever is advertised (Ellie included). And then there are commerials for this "Mommy and Me" deal, complete with toys for both Mommy and Toddler to play with. She can't get enough of these commercials, and whenever the mommy is shown on the screen, she yells MOMMY! and points to me. Awww.

So I'm finally Mommy. No more MaMa, and definitely no more Mom.


And in other news, I don't have as much back pain today. The alcohol last night didn't really help though. I had tried a new organic red wine, and it didn't give me the nice buzz my wine normally gives me. I guess you need all the sulfites and stuff for that. LOL.


I'm going to be 32 in less than a month. How did that happen?


Only 2.5 weeks until my mini vay cay. YES.

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