Thursday, April 16, 2009

When she gives me that incredulous look that asks, "Mommy, are you insane?"

Ah, how the English language can mess with a toddler trying to master it.

Ellie calls all women mama and all men dada. Whether they're models in magazines, actors on TV, or complete strangers seen at the grocery store, she'll point someone out and state, "mama". Even the woman on the U-bet chocolate syrup containter is a mama.

At first, it totally bummed me out because she also referred to me and Harry as Mama and Dada. Are we just any old woman and man she sees day in and day out? Are we not special enough to have our own titles? Did I just sound insane?

Lately, she's started referring to us as Mommy and Daddy, most like as to differentiate between all those other mamas and dadas out there. Toddler logic? Maybe.

I've been trying to get her to shy away from using mama and dada, telling her something like, "you can also call her a lady. She's a lady." This is why my kid gives me THE LOOK. You know, that look that says "Mommy, you are certifiable."


Because the dog's name at daycare is Lady. That's why. "That's obviously NOT a Lady", Ellie would like to point out. "Lady is a dog. Woof woof."


It's like trying to differentiate between a pea, pee, and the letter P. Yeah, that ones going over really well, too.

Stupid language.

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