Friday, November 6, 2009

Quick Post

I suck at blogging. Thank God I didn't decide to do that nanoblomo or whatever the hell it's called. I'd be a big fat FAIL.

Halloween was lots and lots of fun this year. Ellie was very excited to don her Uniqua costume, and I must say she was extremely cute in it. Damn me for not posting public pics of my kid!

I also dressed up for the night's round of trick or treating, and my neighbors were really impressed with the fact I decided to. Yep, I'm that cool mom. Heh heh.

After 6 houses or so, Ellie asked if we were going back to her house. It cracked me up. Since she had gotten the major haul from our neighbor, Dave, (3 large-sized candy bars), she was ready to head on home and dig in. We did our entire horseshoe, then headed back to the homestead. She ate 3 small candy bars, then took a bite out of the 4th, decided she "can't like that", asked for a different one, took a bite, and "can't like that one either". You see where this is going. That was the end of the candy for her that night. Luckily, she didn't balk.

The next morning we were up pretty early because of DST (grrr) but made the most of it by decorating the house and the cake. Our first guests arrived by 11am, and the dance party proceeded. The kids had a great time just playing and hanging out listening to the music, and us parents had a pretty good time, too, just chatting.

The family arrived promptly at noon, the kids went outside to play for a bit, and Harry picked up the pizza and was home by 12:30. We dug in and stuffed our faces happily. The kids were like vacuums! Even Ellie. I have never seen her eat so much.

Soon after that it was cake time. I made Ellie's cake this year. She told me what she wanted, and she got it... a chocolate ice cream cake. It was delicious, a big hit, and Ellie was very excited about it all. We got some fantastic pictures of her blowing out her candles and eating. She ate the whole damn piece!

After that, she opened presents, and that went exceptionally well too. In fact, the whole day did. There wasn't one fight or temper tantrum the whole 3.5 hrs the kids were there. Impressive!

Ellie crashed soon after everyone left, and I got a little quiet time to just sit and read. Ahhhh.

We had pizza again for dinner (um, yeah, WW was thrown out the window last weekend), and Ellie ended up playing with all her new loot until bedtime. It was a wonderful day, and I'm so glad Ellie had such a good time.

I'll be honest. I've been noticing a change in her demeanor these last few weeks, and I've been hoping it would progressively get even better. And knock on wood, it has. She's different, older, a little more mature. It makes my heart swell.

Well, this didn't end up being quick at all.

Oh, one last thing. I hit my 40 lbs lost mark this week! Even after all that pizza and cake. Woo hoo!

Oh, and I have my concert tomorrow. I'll try to get off my lazy ass and write about it sometime next week. I promise!

Have a good weekend, everyone!

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