Monday, May 3, 2010

Birthday Week!

I haven’t been this excited about a birthday in 10 years or so. I have no idea why 33 is so important to me, but it is. And although I moan and groan about how old I sometimes feel, being thirtysomething has been quite the adventure. I’m loving my thirties way more than my twenties. I feel like I accomplish things, I feel I have a voice. I actually *gasp* feel like a grownup. When did that happen?

I have a wonderful array of friends, and I’ve been seeing and meeting more and more of them face to face the past couple of years. I love being social, and Harry’s slowly been following me along for the ride. Once upon a time, Harry was pretty social himself, but those were the days of bar-hopping and a little puff puff on the side.

Well, our social calendar just opened up a little more for this summer because, drumroll please, my mom and Harry have made this fantastic deal. I give Harry all the credit for this genius. He suggested that instead of hiring a lawn service, my mom could hire him to cut the grass this summer. His payment? We get one night a week to go out. Just the two of us. We now have a weekly babysitter. I. AM. STOKED. We’re already planning on going to see a few movies, going bowling, dinner with friends, date night, etc. The possibilites are endless.

As for the agenda this week, it’s a pretty full but kickass schedule. Today is just a regular Monday (boo). Tomorrow, I have a ½ day because I’m getting a HUGE section of my tattoo done in the afternoon. We’re doing a long sitting and doing my entire forearm. I’m continuing with the flowers all the way down to my wrist on the outer portion, and I’m getting a Day of the Dead skull for my grandparents on the inner part. I can’t wait to see what Vinn comes up with. I gave him the thumbs up to design the whole thing. It’s going to be rad for sure.

Wednesday is a regular work day, but I have an appointment for a haircut, which I always enjoy. An hour of pampering just for me. Love. I’m keeping it short and am, in fact, getting a little more taken off the front. Just a little. I’m loving the style, and Harry has really grown to like it, possibly even love it.

Thursday is my birthday! Harry and I took the day off so we can go to the casino. We’ll probably go to D&D with Miss Ellie first thing in the morning so she can celebrate Mommy with a pink donut. Heh heh. Pink donuts are crack to kids; did you know that? Then we’ll drop her off at daycare for the day and head on up to Mohegan. We’ll probably stop at some of the outlet stores on I-95 along the way. We’ve been meaning to check out these outlets for years now. We’ll probably play some slots, shop a little more, and then, THEN we’ll head off to the real reason we’re going to the casino. Bobby’s Burger Palace. Oh, yes, it will be mine. A few months ago, I told Harry the only thing I really wanted to do for my birthday was get a burger at Bobby Flay’s new place. It opened up at the casino sometime last year, and ever since I heard about it, I’ve been dying to try it. It doesn’t take much to make me happy.

After we pick Ellie up from daycare, we’re going to hit my favorite clothing store to pick out my birthday gift together. I love surprises, but when it comes to clothes, I really like picking them out myself with a little help from the peanut gallery.

After that, Harry’s making pizza for dinner (my choice and oh so good), and my mom will be joining us. Then THE CAKE. And not just any old cake. An Italian Rum Cake from Del Prete Bakery in Bridgeport. It is my favorite all-time cake EVAH! We’ve been getting this cake from Del Prete for over 30 years for various occasions. No other cake even comes close. The Mezzo’s bakery rocks (holla!). It helps to know the owner’s kids:). I went to school with all three of them.

Then after that, my mom is staying with Ellie so Harry and I can meet up with some of my old high school (even elementary school!) friends for margaritas at a local (chain) Mexican place. It’s a Thursday night, so it will be an early evening, but I really hope everyone can make an appearance. I know we’ll have a good time.

If that wasn’t enough excitement for a week, Friday gets even better. How? Well, I have some out-of-town guests coming up for a visit. I already mentioned it before, but it bares repeating. Kate, a friend from Maya’s Mom, is tracking her butt all the way up to CT from VA to see me, and she’s bringing the Lovely Miss Chloe with her. I am so unbelievably excited for this visit. Kate and I have never met, but I feel like I’ve known her for ages. It figures that she actually used to live in CT, but I didn’t “meet” her until after she had moved out of the state. What are the freakin’ odds?

I plan on feeding her well, drinking copious amounts of alcohol with her, chatting into the wee hours of the morn, and maybe a little shopping on the side. Also a possible trip to the zoo for the kids. Mostly, we’ll just be relaxing in my backyard, provided the weather cooperates. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that. As of right now Friday and Sunday are sunny, but we may be getting some thunderstorms on Saturday. Ick. Let’s hope that changes to sun for the whole weekend.

I’ll have lots to report Monday morning I’m sure. Woo hoo for birthday week!

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