Friday, October 1, 2010

Pumpkin Season!

Yay, it's October 1st! And what does that mean? It's time to pick the pumpkins!

I've always loved Halloween and all that goes with it, but becoming a mom has made it even more fun and exciting. Why? Well, because my kid freakin' LOVES the pumpkin patch. Like seriously LOVES it. She loves to push around the cart, pickin' the perfect pumpkin, checkin' out the pigs, playing on all the cute animal cut-outs posted throughout the patch to have her picture taken, the works. We've been going with her since 2008, and she STILL remembers that first trip, like vividly remembers it. It's kinda freaky seeing as she wasn't even 2-years-old yet. She talks about it all the time. And when I told her we were going to pick out pumpkins this weekend, she immediately asked, "Is Nico coming?" Nico is my Godson, and he came with us on that first trip to the patch back in '08. Apparently, Nico needs to be there for the full pumpkin experience. LOL. So I shot his mom an email, and I hope they can make it.

Along with the pumpkins, the white variety being my favorite, we usually get a couple of hay bales to decorate our yard. We've got scare crows and lots of wooden signs and stuff to decorate as well. Harry and I love this crap. Seriously. We're big kids when it comes to Halloween.

Last month, Ellie told us she was going as a princess for Halloween this year. Harry and I were secretly pleased because she already has 4 princess dress-up costumes, so that means we don't have to buy one! Woot. Well, she threw us for a loop this past weekend when my friend, Tom, asked her what she was going to be and she replied, "Buzz Lightyear!" Uh, excuse me? Who are you going as?

So I broke down and ordered a Buzz costume for her. I showed her the picture of it, and man, is that girl excited. Unfortunately, she has also told me that this costume will allow her to fly. Greeeaaatt. Let's hope she doesn't try to test that theory out. By the way, I TOLD her people can't fly. She insisted Buzz can, to which I replied, "BUZZ IS A TOY" a la Woody. If you haven't seen the movie, you won't think that's funny.

Oh, and Ellie has told me that I can be a witch for Halloween. I have no choice in the matter. I'm a witch. I asked if I could be a princess with her, and she flat out said no.

What makes pumpkin season all the more exciting is that it's just the beginning of festivities to come. First comes pumpkins and Halloween, immediately followed by Ellie's birthday. Then comes Thanksgiving, then the Christmas season, then Harry's birthday and New Years. We usually have a very full schedule these last few months out of the year, and I'm so looking forward to it.

In addition, I have decided to set up a reunion for my high school theatre guild the weekend after Thanksgiving. It's going to be awesome. I haven't seen some of these people in 15 years! People are already so excited about it, which makes me happy. My class never had a reunion of any sorts, and really, the people I miss the most are my theatre peeps, so this is a totally win/win for me. So what if I had to do it myself to make it happen? It's happening and people are thrilled. That makes me smile. It's going to be great.

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