Friday, December 10, 2010

Searching High & Low




Kimono Topshop, Top Topshop, Pleather Trousers H&M, Fur Collar H&M, Boots Dune

I am on the hunt for kimonos but they are like gold dust. Their have been some beautiful ones on ebay but I have had no luck winning them. I found this in Topshop check it out for yourselves here last week and it is the nearest thing to a kimono I have seen on the High Street so I snapped it up. I have a feeling kimonos are going to be a hot item for S/S11.

I asked you guys to ask me a question here I am going to answer Purdey from Kittenish Behaviour and Jade from OMG Jade's Blog's question they wanted to know how I style my outfits the night before or quickly in the morning?

I tend to have a little think before I go to bed about what I am going to wear as I only have a small amount of time in the morning to get dressed. It is easy for work as I have a very beautiful Nicole Farhi working wardrobe so I just add accessories. For special nights out and special occasions I plan well ahead for instance my outfit for my sisters wedding was planned about about 9 months in advance.

Purdey also asked me what my dream job is?

I have a few dream jobs I would love to be a stylist, a visual merchandiser or my biggest dream to own my own vintage boutique.

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