Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Chance Encounter Part 2

Things didn't work out with Jason. That stoned look he always had about him, well, it was genuine. Seems he had a bit of trouble with alcohol, as in he was constantly drinking it. One day, he mentioned that he had been sent home from work (a daycare center) because he had been intoxicated on the job. Can you say "BIG RED FLAG?"

Add to that he was on medication for depression while drinking, and you have one seriously messed up person. She didn't need that in her life; she had only just started to heal from a bout of depression herself. She saw right away that being around Jason would be unhealthy.

A couple of weeks after that first fateful meeting at the diner, she asked Kim about Harry.

"Why didn't you tell me Harry was so cute?"

Kim replied, "He's not cute. He's Harry."


Time passed. She dated, had some fun, then got bored with it all. No one she met had any real boyfriend substance.

That spring, she met up with a couple of friends at the pool hall. She walked in, and there he was again, Harry, her future husband.

They shot some pool together, chatted, and had a few drinks. They were having a good time. So much so that they decided to leave together to go get something to eat. They hit that diner once again, had some grub, and then she drove him home.

And then...


Not even a kiss.

He thanked her for the ride, then ran inside the house.

She sat in her car and thought, "What the hell was that?"

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