Monday, July 14, 2008

Life is a Battlefield (in addition to love)

I didn't download my photos for the photo challenge yet, so that'll have to wait until later this evening. I was just too sick this weekend to do it. Sigh.

Summer fever virus my ass. It may be summer, and it may be a virus, but I never got a fever. It's a freakin' cold. It's just extra sucky because it's so hot out. The doctor was full of crap. He told us to treat it like a stomach virus (huh?) and only give her clear liquids to eat and drink, like flat 7up or ginger ale (you want me to give my 20 month old soda? Um, NO). All because I told him she coughed so hard that morning she threw her milk up. Her stomach was fine. That's not what made her puke.

He also told us to load her up on Motrin and OTC cough medicine in addition to her antibiotics. Sure, I want her to be comfortable, but I'm not giving her meds unless she needs them. Period. I had been giving her Motrin for the achiness, and I had given her a cough strip because her cough was seriously bad that day, but I won't give it just because. This isn't our normal PED, by the way. This was an older doctor in the practice who looked at me like I had 2 heads when I told him he couldn't give her a lollipop because we don't give her sugary stuff.

Anyway, I digress. I was super sick this weekend, AND my little baby has decided to leave me. In her place is a very demanding and angry little girl. She pitched fit after fit this weekend, over anything from not wanting a particular piece of apple to putting her shirt on to making her keep her shirt on when we were in the supermarket to changing her diaper to taking a walk. Everything was a battle this weekend, and I'm thoroughly worn out. And she's not even 2 yet.

I'm thinking that maybe the antibiotics aren't doing their thing, and her ear is still bothering her. I know I had a lot of discomfort in my left ear from Thursday to Saturday, but I'm fine now. Our follow up is in a week, so I guess we'll see then. She has to take the antibiotics until Saturday.

There's also a chance she's getting a molar in. It's a little early for 2-year molars, but she was sticking her finger back there last night, leading us to believe that something may be going on. I gave her some teething tablets this morning, but they didn't calm her like they normally do.

So maybe it's just Ellie growing up. I'd love it if this was just another one of her 2 week phases. I can deal with that.

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