Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We're home today

Ellie's pink eye is all gone, but it's been followed by one killer cold/virus. She got it, yet again, from Louis at daycare. That poor boy is always sick. And now, well, every kid there is sick. Most unfortunate.

What's weird about this little bug is that it hits each individual person differently. One got an ear infection, one got a severely runny nose, Ellie got the pink eye and a cough (and now her nose is runny, too), etc.

She woke up this morning crying from the achiness. Coughing and sneezing made her scream out "ouch!" over and over again.

She's been fighting taking meds this time, so we've resorted to putting her Motrin in her cup. She drinks that no problem. Unfortunately, this morning, drinking milk with all the mucus in her system resulting in a major throwing up episode. It was really gross, and she cried and cried and cried. At least she got all the crap out, which is the bright side in all that.

I ran a tepid bath for her, and that seemed to do the trick. Playing in the water always makes my girl feel instantly better.

Since she didn't get any of the meds in her milk, we tried juice, and she drank it all down. Thank God.

She's been running around in a diaper all morning, happy as a clam, minus the intermittent cough. Right now, she's chilling out on the floor, counting her Cheerios (1, 2, 5, 6, 7), and watching Ratatouille.

Let's hope she's feeling better tomorrow.

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